Alabama Power Company (APC) issues permits for shoreline construction under the authority of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) through programmatic general permits (PGPs).
These PGPs allow APC to permit certain shoreline projects without consultation with the USACE. The existing PGPs were approved by the USACE for five years and expired on March 9, 2016. APC and USACE are working toward the issuance of new PGPs.
Consequently, in addition to obtaining a shoreline permit from APC, property owners wanting to perform shoreline activities may need to consult the USACE for approval of proposed work. During this interim period, APC will work with property owners to facilitate the approval process. The company has developed a guidance document to help customers understand the USACE approval process. The document is online at and available at any of APC’s Shoreline Management offices.
Please contact your local APC Shoreline Management Office with any additional questions. Visit the Shoreline Management page for office contact numbers and additional permitting information.