R.L. Harris Dam, the newest of the 14 Alabama Power Company hydroelectric developments, was built at one of the last major hydro sites in Alabama. The dam’s design was created by the Southern Company Services, Inc.

It was named in honor of Rother L. “Judge” Harris, an Alabama Power director and vice president of electric operations. He retired from the company in 1968 after 45 years of service.

The story of Harris Dam and Harris Lake began as a story of energy. It continues today as a story of flood control, recreation and economic opportunity, irrigation and drinking water, and fish and wildlife habitats. Power was just the beginning.

R.L. Harris Reservoir Facts:
Elevation above sea level: 793 feet
Area: 9,870 acres
Shoreline: 367 miles
Length: 29 miles
Maximum depth at dam: 121 feet
Area of watershed draining into reservoir: 1,454 square miles