Due to Alabama’s COVID-19 state of emergency, all Alabama Power offices are temporarily closed. Our focus is the safety and health of our customers, employees and communities. We will continue to process permit requests; however, you may experience longer turnaround times for permit issuance.
Shoreline managers help maintain Alabama Power’s ability to manage flood conditions on each river system by enforcing easement and construction standards specific to each lake. If you’re looking to build or modify anything on the lake, you will need a permit granting access. Select your lake and fill out the form to request your permit.
Note: Effective January 1, 2020, permit fees are increasing. Visit www.apcshorelines.com/permits/ to view the updated fee structure. These fees have not increased in nearly 15 years and the permit program helps protect and support the lakes we all love. If you submit your permit application prior to January 1, 2020, you will not be charged the updated fees. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Shoreline Management office near you.